Thoughts about an important Bible verse

During the early years of my life in Christ, I memorized the Bible verse that says; “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”  (2 Cor. 5:17)  I accepted it as true because I believe the Bible is...

Thoughts about an important Bible verse (Part two)

Even believers with a working knowledge of Scripture often find it difficult to reconcile some Bible verses. For example, various verses raise questions because they emphasize different aspects of our salvation.  For me, the breakthrough came when I determined that...

The Unknown God

Sociologists tell us that every known people group worships something or someone.  It may be ancestors, invisible spirits, or a god, as they understand him.  As believers, we’re not surprised by that because we know that based on Scripture, every person on earth...

The New Will

The following allegory illustrates a fundamental truth.  An extremely wealthy man passed away, and his attorney called the man’’s son to come to his office to hear the last will and testament read. The son had been on speaking terms with his father, but they...

Stewardship vs. Tithing

The purpose of this paper is to answer a question that I’ve encountered numerous times.  In private discussions, I’m often asked; “What’s your opinion about tithing?”  Like many of those who ask, I was taught that the Bible requires all...


The traditional way to think about priorities is to make a list of your responsibilities and tasks, then rank them from the most important to the least important.  For years, this method has been useful in my personal and business life.  It’s still useful for...