Thoughts from my Spiritual Journey

My Name Is Glenn Murray

The content of the conversations, articles, and videos on this web site are from my lived experience with Jesus over the past sixty-three years. The insights and discoveries along the way were so valuable in deepening my own heart connection with Jesus, I feel compelled to humbly share them for your consideration. Life is often lived in chapters, so I will share one that caused me to review all that I had learned. During my first thirty years following Jesus, I recorded what I was learning in a private spiritual journal. I still do that, but I want to share about those early years. Over time, there were several notebooks that were eventually transferred to my computer. They contained various thoughts, insights, and experiences that seemed important to my spiritual development. Some were pivotal, others less so, but I recorded them all, not knowing how God would use them in my life. Then thirty-two years ago, God led me to reexamine the theological knowledge I had accumulated. I instinctively knew that the huge volume of information I had collected could potentially include a mixture of truth and error. Even though I felt certain that my teachers were theologically sound, and had the best of intentions, still they were human, so it was possible. That led me to re-visit the content I had collected from a multitude of sermons, Sunday School classes, books, conferences, retreats, and personal Bible study. Since the Scriptures are inerrant and the only standard for spiritual truth, I decided to follow the

example of the Bereans. Acts 17:11 states: “...they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."(NIV) In some measure, I had done this through the years, but the Lord motivated me to re-examine with new vigor, all the Doctrine, Biblical principles, practical applications, and teaching I had received. I did so with real diligence because I wanted to be certain that what I had been taught accurately represented the words of the Bible. The thoughts in these conversations, articles and videos are the result of several years of reevaluating what I had been taught. Many of my beliefs remained, but as you might guess, this process led me to some different convictions about a few things. You will learn about my conclusions as you read and listen to the various segments on this website.

Latest Posts

Purpose and Overview

In my eighty-ninth year, I’ve been doing quite a bit of reflection about my life, and I’m enjoying the process very much.  Memories can be the treasure or the curse of old age and thank God; mine are bringing me much joy.  After fifty-five years of ministry in seventy-seven countries,

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Conversation with an Israeli Politician

For many years, I hosted the Middle East nations at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. During that time, I met and became friends with attendees from a dozen countries in that region and many invited me to visit them.  I accepted most of the invitations and on my

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Conversations with Myself

As I reflected on my most memorable conversations, one came to mind that I had not thought about for many years.  It was a conversation that I had with myself.  A little personal history will set the stage for why this internal conversation was so crucial for my life. After

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Conversation with God about San Francisco

We will get to my conversation with God later, but first a short history of my involvement in San Francisco preceding it.   Walter Hoadley was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia when he was recruited to join the Bank of America as Executive Vice President and

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Conversation on the Subway

I’ve calculated that in thirty-plus years, I drove to San Francisco at least 850 times.  I was in the financial district every other week for three days, meeting with individuals and a number of groups.  I stayed with close friends in the suburbs, and it amazes me even now to

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Conversation with a Banker

The President of a large bank in San Francisco called me and said, a mutual friend encouraged him to meet me.  The name he mentioned was a very close friend, so I was eager to know this gentleman.  After a few minutes of small talk, we discovered that we had

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Conversation with a friend who doesn’t believe in God

While meeting with a senior business executive in San Francisco, we got into a discussion about the current political atmosphere in our nation.  He was especially concerned about the progressive vs. conservative differences but went on to include other categories.  Eventually, the discussion turned to the general topic of freedom

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Conversation with an Islamic friend

For many years, I hosted the Middle East nations at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC.  At one of those breakfasts, I met Ahmed from one of the most prominent countries in that region.  He wasn’t from the Royal family, but he was one of their most senior officials. 

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Conversation with a Golf Shop Owner

Some time ago, I was the only customer in a golf store right after it opened.  Several times, I looked at the man at the cash register, who looked depressed.  Eventually, I felt certain that something was bothering him, so I said, “You’re having a rough day aren’t you?” He

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Conversation with the President of a Technology Company

On a flight home from Colorado, I noticed an ad in a technology magazine.  It was promoting a product that was new to me.  I’m an early adopter, so I was interested in looking at this new technology.  I noticed that the company was in the same industrial park as

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Conversations with the Chief Buddhist Monk of Korea

For my family and friends, I feel the need to preserve the history of my relationship with a man who represented a completely different view of spirituality than I have.  In spite of this, I grew to love and respect him.  Sadly, he passed away a couple of years ago,

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Conversation that changed the direction of my life!

In early 1964, I received a phone call from a missionary who was home on furlough from Taiwan.  We knew each other because he was supported by my church, so he called with a request.  It was eleven o’clock at night, so he apologized but said he didn’t know who

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Conversations with a Korean Congressman

As some of you know, over the last 36 years, I have been to Seoul Korea fifty-five times, and am often asked; What caused you to have an interest in Korea?  So I thought I would give a brief account of how that happened. I believe it was in late

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Conversations with a Mentor

I have been blessed to have a number of very significant men invest in my life.  Some of them have been world-class, but not well known, but others were highly placed and internationally famous.  I marvel at how God has directed my path and arranged for me to know and

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Conversations about Grass Valley groups

After living in Sacramento for many years, I felt led to move to Grass Valley, which is in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  It’s just sixty miles from our former house, but it feels like thousand miles because we built a home in the suburbs on a beautiful,

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Conversation on a Flight to China

For many years, Vice Premier Tian Ji jun has annually invited leaders of many Asian nations to visit China for a goodwill event.  Over several days he hosts dinners and other events including a golf tournament with the express purpose of developing sincere friendships.  Through my relationships and God-ordained circumstances,

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Conversation with a dying man

One of my closest friends in San Francisco was Frank Haas, and he was in a local “TEC” group.  “TEC” is the acronym for the international business consulting company, “The Executive Committee.”  Each group consists of twelve CEO’s or Company Presidents that acts as a business roundtable to help each

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