Thoughts from my Spiritual Journey

My Name Is Glenn Murray

The content of the conversations, articles, and videos on this web site are from my lived experience with Jesus over the past sixty-three years. The insights and discoveries along the way were so valuable in deepening my own heart connection with Jesus, I feel compelled to humbly share them for your consideration. Life is often lived in chapters, so I will share one that caused me to review all that I had learned. During my first thirty years following Jesus, I recorded what I was learning in a private spiritual journal. I still do that, but I want to share about those early years. Over time, there were several notebooks that were eventually transferred to my computer. They contained various thoughts, insights, and experiences that seemed important to my spiritual development. Some were pivotal, others less so, but I recorded them all, not knowing how God would use them in my life. Then thirty-two years ago, God led me to reexamine the theological knowledge I had accumulated. I instinctively knew that the huge volume of information I had collected could potentially include a mixture of truth and error. Even though I felt certain that my teachers were theologically sound, and had the best of intentions, still they were human, so it was possible. That led me to re-visit the content I had collected from a multitude of sermons, Sunday School classes, books, conferences, retreats, and personal Bible study. Since the Scriptures are inerrant and the only standard for spiritual truth, I decided to follow the

example of the Bereans. Acts 17:11 states: “...they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."(NIV) In some measure, I had done this through the years, but the Lord motivated me to re-examine with new vigor, all the Doctrine, Biblical principles, practical applications, and teaching I had received. I did so with real diligence because I wanted to be certain that what I had been taught accurately represented the words of the Bible. The thoughts in these conversations, articles and videos are the result of several years of reevaluating what I had been taught. Many of my beliefs remained, but as you might guess, this process led me to some different convictions about a few things. You will learn about my conclusions as you read and listen to the various segments on this website.

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Conversations with a Mongolian Doctor

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