
Get Back to Jesus Alone!

When you can’t remember, the twenty-two characteristics of a good husband or wife, the five love languages, the seven steps of appeal to authority, the eight things to do when you are worried, the four spiritual laws or the eight spiritual flaws, it’s time to get back to Jesus alone.

When you don’t know if you should sit at His feet, walk in a manner worthy of His call, stand in the time of battle, or run the race with diligence, it’s time to get back to Jesus alone.

When you’re told you should hear the Word, read the Word, mark the Word, memorize the Word, study the Word, and meditate on the Word, and you’re lost somewhere in the middle of Leviticus, it’s time to get back to Jesus alone.

When you hear Bible teachers say, it’s pre, mid, post, a, or pan, don’t take the “mark”, or the key is “times, time and half a time” and you’re having trouble getting through the week, it’s time to get back to Jesus alone.

When you’re confused by hymns like, “Fill my Cup Lord” and the next one they sing is, “I’ve Got a River of Life Flowing Out of Me” and you don’t know what it means to “raise your Ebenezer,” it’s time to get back to Jesus alone.

When you have gone to your fifth conference this year that claimed, “This is It” and you tried “It” and “It” didn’t work, it’s time to get back to Jesus alone.

When you just heard someone say, “Thus saith the Lord” and that contradicted the last, “A word from the Lord” which was contrary to the previous, “The Lord told me” and you finally get the picture that maybe the Lord isn’t saying all those things, it’s time to get back to Jesus alone.

It’s past time to separate His commands from Christian demands. It’s time to return to the “simplicity that’s in Christ” and to consider some lilies and birds. It’s time to just be with Jesus alone and hear Him say, “I love you.” That’s the Jesus you want to get back too.

Adapted by: Glenn Murray
Sept. 1973

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